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Just as clogged arteries are a health risk for many people, clogged oil lines in your vehicle's engine are harmful to its safe and smooth operation. Just as doctors take action to restore the flow of blood through the body, get your vehicle into an auto shop for an oil change. In comparison (even through the human body is much more important than a vehicle), a poor diet and too little exercise can cause deposits of cholesterol to block our arteries, so does contaminated oil will cause sticky oil deposits and gum up the engine of our vehicles.

Keep your vehicle healthy--prevent oil deposits with regular oil changes. Many auto shops offer oil change coupons for convenience and affordability.

What causes oil deposits?

Hot temperatures will cause oil to solidify and become baked onto the surface of whatever it happens to be residing in (i.e., a narrow engine oil passageway or critical engine parts). It will lose its viscosity and become a tar-like sticky goop that makes your engine work harder than usual to run. Engine problems will increase dramatically if enough of these deposits collect. Instead of cleaning, lubricating and cooling your engine, thick or solid oil will pollute, hinder and contribute to overheating. Certain types of vehicles are more prone to oil deposits than others.

What can be done if your car develops oil deposits?

  • Have regular oil changes—check your owner's manual for the manufacturer's recommended oil change interval.
  • Notice how your car is acting; such as difficult starting, misfiring, engine running hot, low oil indicator light coming on, or a bad oxygen sensor.
  • If affordable, use synthetic oil.
  • Read the fine print of additives--they may react chemically with your oil in undesired ways.

It never hurts to be proactive.  To keep your vehicle's engine healthy, practice good car care, including regular oil changes.

Looking for an affordable oil change? Contact our ASE Certified Technicians at Clausen Automotive by calling (608) 221-8321 or go on-line at https://www.clausenautomotive.com for more information. Since 1975, our family-owned auto shop has proudly served vehicle owners in Madison, WI, and the surrounding communities.

Be sure to prevent oil deposits with a habit of regular oil changes to keep your vehicle's engine healthy and smooth driving on the road. Call us today!

Just as clogged arteries are a health risk for many people, clogged oil lines in your vehicle's engine are harmful to its safe and smooth operation. Just as doctors take action to restore the flow of blood through the body, get your vehicle into an auto shop for an oil change. In comparison (even through the human body is much more important than a vehicle), a poor diet and too little exercise can cause deposits of cholesterol to block our arteries, so does contaminated oil will cause sticky oil deposits and gum up the engine of our vehicles.

Keep your vehicle healthy--prevent oil deposits with regular oil changes. Many auto shops offer oil change coupons for convenience and affordability.

What causes oil deposits?

Hot temperatures will cause oil to solidify and become baked onto the surface of whatever it happens to be residing in (i.e., a narrow engine oil passageway or critical engine parts). It will lose its viscosity and become a tar-like sticky goop that makes your engine work harder than usual to run. Engine problems will increase dramatically if enough of these deposits collect. Instead of cleaning, lubricating and cooling your engine, thick or solid oil will pollute, hinder and contribute to overheating. Certain types of vehicles are more prone to oil deposits than others.

What can be done if your car develops oil deposits?

  • Have regular oil changes—check your owner's manual for the manufacturer's recommended oil change interval.
  • Notice how your car is acting; such as difficult starting, misfiring, engine running hot, low oil indicator light coming on, or a bad oxygen sensor.
  • If affordable, use synthetic oil.
  • Read the fine print of additives--they may react chemically with your oil in undesired ways.

It never hurts to be proactive.  To keep your vehicle's engine healthy, practice good car care, including regular oil changes.

Looking for an affordable oil change? Contact our ASE Certified Technicians at Clausen Automotive by calling (608) 221-8321 or go on-line at https://www.clausenautomotive.com for more information. Since 1975, our family-owned auto shop has proudly served vehicle owners in Madison, WI, and the surrounding communities.

Steve Clausen
Clausen AutomotiveAuto Repair Shop in Madison, WI


2118 S. Stoughton Rd., Madison, WI 53716608-221-8321Service@ClausenAutomotive.com
Mon:07:00am - 05:30pm
Tue:07:00am - 05:30pm
Wed:07:00am - 05:30pm
Thu:07:00am - 05:30pm
Fri:07:00am - 05:30pm
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